Happy New Year (2019) and An Update

Dear Readers,

Once again another year has flown by!  Time has a way of doing that, doesn’t it.  It boggles my mind that as of December 24th I am a grandmother of a 20 year old!

2018 was a tough year for me and my family.   In my blog post, Update ~ June 2, 2018, I wrote that I would be away from blogging for a while. My son-in-law had been diagnosed with two types of rare cancer and so I was heading to Virginia.  Dustin and my daughter have been married a little over 20 years and have 6 children.  He has been active duty Navy for over 20 years.  Since that blog post Dustin has had radiation treatment for the cancerous tumor (sclerosing epitheloid fibrosarcoma) that was removed from the top of his spine.  He will soon be going back to the cancer hospital for an MRI to see if the radiation worked.  He will also be having a biopsy of what the doctors believe to be brain cancer. Gosh, I hope they are wrong!  I have to say that Dustin has been a real fighter and is determined to beat the odds.

While in Virginia, my 15 year old cat, Rabbit, died.  This news devastated me and caused me to feel guilt about leaving her. I often thought that she might still be alive if I had been home.  Maybe I could have done something to prevent this.  I finally realized that it was probably just meant to be.  That cat brought me such happiness and laughter, it’s really hard getting through the day without her.  But I know she’s still around…….and that is all I will say because I am saving this story for a future blog post.

In August my brother was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. His thyroid was removed and since then he has been having complications with getting his thyroid to a normal level.  When your thyroid is out of whack or non-existent it can affect your body functions.

On a much happier note, in September I got a Shetland Sheepdog puppy.  Her name is Misty Blue.  I can’t wait to start blogging about her!

Wishing you all a very Happy New Year!  May 2019 bring you an abundance of blessings.







  1. May this year 2019 sparkle and shine, may all of your wishes and dreams come true, and may you feel this happiness all year round. Happy new year

    Peace ✌and Love ❤

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    Peace ✌and Love ❤

  3. Happy New Year. You certainly have had much to worry about and grieve. I hope that your son-in-law gets good news and that he is able to beat the cancer. Looking forward to seeing pics of the new pup!
    Mary at Play off the Page

  4. So sad when loved ones are ill. Wishing you and them a better year ahead.
    And so sorry for your loss – 15 was a good innings, but, it is so hard to lose them.
    I look forward to reading about Misty Blue. May she bring happiness for 2019.. 🙂

  5. Quite the year for you Cheryl, I’m so sorry you’ve had so much heartache. I’m sorry about Rabbit, losing a pet is so much more than just the loss of an animal, they’re family. I do hope your brother gets on better with his treatment and that they can get things under control soon, and I wish Dustin, the tough cookie, all the very best for his results. I hope it’s positive news. I look forward to hearing more about Misty, I hope she brings your heart a little joy. Wishing you all the very, very best for a healthier, happier & brighter New Year for you and your family  ♥
    Caz xx

  6. Hi, Cheryl, i found this blog through a link. and I feel very sad about the problems you are facing in life. I pray to god all your hindrances come to an end in this people. new year.

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